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IP Address192.95.21.237:25570
Players0 / 60
VersionMinecraft 1.17
Game Rank#163
Global Rank#165
Last Ping37 minutes ago
CountryUnited States Servers United States

Celestial Realm

Celestial Realm

Starting 11/10/2021, the server is under whitelist development.


This server still wants you. It would desire to have you as a player. To keep up with release information and join the community, click on the discord invite link below!

With my desperate plea out of the way, I would like to talk a little bit about myself and the server.

My username is SublimeZero and I am the owner of CelestialRealm - an RPG server in development. Your character will be dropped into a world of swords and magic and you must traverse The Dungeon, killing monsters and gaining new spells and abilities.

Before I continue, I must stress heavily that this server is NOT MODDED, and in fact ONLY USES PLUGINS.

For clarity, the server possesses the following:
- Quests
- Custom Items
- Custom Abilities
- Custom Monsters
- Custom Monsters With Fully Animated, Custom Models
- Custom Consumables and Food Items
- Custom Cooking System
- Custom Alchemy System
- Custom Forging System
- Custom Spell-weaving System

Of course, not every object listed above is finished, otherwise this server would be released.

My intent is to build a community before release on the server's discord while I keep everyone updated on developmental progress. I think there's nothing more I can say right now in this message.

So come on to the discord and talk to me "in-person" or something...

Cant wait to see ya here!

What is the server IP for Celestial Realm?

The IP address of Celestial Realm Minecraft server is

How do I play on Celestial Realm Minecraft server?

Open your Minecraft launcher, next click the "Play" button, then select "Multiplayer" option from the main menu.

Click the "Add Server" button to open the server information form then copy and paste the IP Address in the "Server Address" input then press click on "Done" button.

Once the connection to the server is established, the connection icon will turn green, and you can click on the "Join Server" button to play on Celestial Realm.

Where is the Celestial Realm Minecraft Server hosted?

The Celestial Realm server is currently hosted in United States with an uptime of 100.00%.

The server was last checked 37 minutes ago.

What Minecraft game version does Celestial Realm server support?

Celestial Realm supports Minecraft version 1.17.

Keep in mind that many Minecraft servers might allow players to use older or newer versions, so we invite you to check on their Discord server or Website for more information on version compatibility.