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VersionWoW 3.3.5a
Game Rank#4
Global Rank#26
CountryCzech Republic Servers Czech Republic



Kara'Bor - Free PVE/PVP WoTLK  European/ SK / CZ server

With a dedicated community, balanced gameplay, and a focus on delivering the classic WotLK content, KaraBor brings the nostalgia of the iconic expansion back to life. Join today and relive the epic battles, explore the frozen north, and take on the Lich King himself! Whether you are a seasoned hero or new to Azeroth, getting started is easy. Simply download and install the game client, create your account, and log in to join our vibrant community. From there, dive into epic quests, dungeons, and raids. With custom features and a welcoming atmosphere, you're sure to find your place. Ready to conquer the world of Warcraft?

Boost your first character to level 80 and get 10.000g for free!

  • Level 80 boost
  • 10.000 golds
  • Vendors in Orgrimmar and Stormwind

Only once per account!

Register and get your rewards:

What WoW game version does Kara'Bor server support?

Kara'Bor supports WoW version 3.3.5a.

Keep in mind that many WoW servers might allow players to use older or newer versions, so we invite you to check on their Discord server or Website for more information on version compatibility.