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VersionWoW 3.3.5a
Game Rank#24
Global Rank#437
CountryUnited Kingdom Servers United Kingdom

Time of the Pact

Time of the Pact

Server Information

Anyone Is Welcome In Our Discord And Time of the Pact Server, Unless They Are Causing Issues With Constant Racism, Abuse, etc.. The General Rules For Any Server. Then We Will Take Actions To Ban Them From Joining The Discord And Time of the Pact Server. We Have Relaxed Staff Members Who Help With Events And Deal With Issues. We Are Striving To Become A Great And Fun World of Warcraft Server To Join.

Server Lore And Features

Time of the Pact is a Somewhat Blizz Like 3.3.5 Wotlk World of Warcraft Server That Takes Place in an Alternative Universe Where Both Horde And Alliance Have Now Teamed up to Defeat The Powerful Evil From This Land.

The Same Custom Starting Location For All Races And Classes
Start at Level 5
5X EXP, Quest, Money and Drop Rates (Plus A Few Others at 2X)
Teleporter NPC That Opens up New Locations Depending on Your Level
100% Mounts at Level 15
No Resurrection Sickness
Improved Run Speed When Dead
World Chat Channel
Built in MP3 Player With Music
Custom Addon Pack to Improve Gameplay (Highly Recommended)
Custom Vendors / NPCS
Custom Morph Items / Spells
Custom Starting Area Quests
Custom Events And Event Locations
Custom Launcher For Time of the Pact (This Will Flag As A False Positive)

Server Commands

These Are Some of The Commands You Can Type in The Game.

.Account (Shows Account Options)
.Help (Shows All Available Commands)

Server Roadmap

Change All Alliance And Horde NPCS to Faction 35
Allow Both Alliance And Horde to Take Any Quest And Visit Any Location
Add More Custom Spells, NPCS, Objects And Features

What WoW game version does Time of the Pact server support?

Time of the Pact supports WoW version 3.3.5a.

Keep in mind that many WoW servers might allow players to use older or newer versions, so we invite you to check on their Discord server or Website for more information on version compatibility.