Vote for BlitzReborn 3.3.5a Wrath NPCBOTS

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VersionWoW 3.3.5a
Game Rank#9
Global Rank#74
CountryUnited States Servers United States

BlitzReborn 3.3.5a Wrath NPCBOTS

NPCBOTS//xp quest x3//boost xp on weekends x2//gold drop x2//Professtions skill gain x2//Can learn up to 4 professtions//Cross faction//All flight paths learned//Auction House Bot//Track x2 gathering skills on map//GIVEAWAYS//vote shop/NO DONATIONS

What WoW game version does BlitzReborn 3.3.5a Wrath NPCBOTS server support?

BlitzReborn 3.3.5a Wrath NPCBOTS supports WoW version 3.3.5a.

Keep in mind that many WoW servers might allow players to use older or newer versions, so we invite you to check on their Discord server or Website for more information on version compatibility.