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VersionWoW 3.3.5a
Game Rank#30
Global Rank#296
CountryUnited Kingdom Servers United Kingdom

Emerald WoW

Instant 80.S8 / 277-284 ilvl gear is free.1v1, soloQ, Rated BattlegroundsDaily Login RewardsCustom Chat System (@ for EN, # for ES, $ for FR)Over 3k Twitch IconsRank 1 Player Statues (1v1, Duels, soloQ)

What WoW game version does Emerald WoW server support?

Emerald WoW supports WoW version 3.3.5a.

Keep in mind that many WoW servers might allow players to use older or newer versions, so we invite you to check on their Discord server or Website for more information on version compatibility.